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Showing posts with label the insurance organizations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the insurance organizations. Show all posts
The French government is expecting (in early March) a report on long-term savings. Asked on the subject, this Thursday, the Minister of Economy Pierre Moscovici, said he does not intend to "wreck" life insurance. He pointed out that the authorities want to direct savings towards long-term investments, equity investments and also real estate.
As a reminder, the minister delegate to the budget, Mr. Cahuzac has mentioned provisions encouraging part of the financial savings to invest in the real estate sector counting only on "tens of billions of euros".

Last Friday, Francois Hollande announced his intention to "appeal to institutional investors, all that is life insurance, so that there is a better direction of savings to make real estate."

Life insurance can indirectly help real estate by providing financial security to individuals and their families, which can increase their ability to invest in real estate. Here are a few ways life insurance can help:

Mortgage protection: Life insurance can help pay off a mortgage in the event of the policyholder's death. This can provide financial security to the policyholder's family and help them avoid foreclosure, which can be beneficial to both the family and the lender.

Estate planning: Life insurance can be used as a tool in estate planning to provide liquidity to pay for estate taxes or other expenses. This can help ensure that real estate assets can be passed down to heirs without having to be sold off to pay for taxes or other expenses.

Business planning: Life insurance can be used to fund a buy-sell agreement for business partners who co-own real estate. This can help ensure that if one partner dies, the other partner can buy out their share of the property without having to sell the property to a third party.

Overall, life insurance can help provide financial stability and security to individuals and their families, which can in turn increase their ability to invest in real estate.
On a life insurance policy, the insurer, the subscriber, the member, the insured, the life beneficiary, the beneficiary (ies), and the deceased are involved. Find below more information on these speakers.
Depending on the different legal structures of the life insurance policies, subscribers and members will have their identity differ. This distinction will be made between individual and collective contracts.The insurer


Insurance is, by definition, a system that protects an individual, an association or an enterprise against the financial and economic consequences of the occurrence of a particular risk (random event).

The means implemented by the insurance organizations to protect them against this risk is to associate them with a community of people (the insured), who contribute to be able to compensate those among its members who would suffer material damage or in the event of risk realization. Thus, insofar as it is the entire community of insured persons who materially bear the damage suffered by its members struck by the realization of the risk, insurance is a risk management system based on the concept of solidarity.The actors of insurance

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